Resolute Support

Fashion Faux Pas: US Wasted Millions on Afghan Army Uniforms
By Catherine Putz
Why choose a forest uniform for a mostly dry and beige country?

Top US Commander Visits Kunduz, Apologizes for October Hospital Attack
By Catherine Putz
The visit had a personal touch but is it enough to regain lost trust?

Afghanistan Needs Peace -- and Cash
By Catherine Putz
Afghanistan desperately needs continued support, which will be decided at two conferences later in 2016.

How NATO Advises Afghanistan’s National Security Forces
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Inside NATO’s Train, Advise and Assist Mission in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: US Air Force’s Mission Has Not Changed
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Despite the formal end of combat operations in Afghanistan, the war is far from over for the US Air Force.

Taliban Attack on Kandahar Airport: What We Know
By Catherine Putz
As details emerge, the key question will be how did the attackers breach the airport’s security?

NATO Looking to Extend Funding for Afghan Security Forces
By Catherine Putz
As the war moves into its 15th year, Afghanistan's stability remains tenuous.

Why Did the US Strike an Afghan Hospital?
By Catherine Putz
Results of a US investigation point to human error.

Investing in Afghanistan, 14 Years Later
By Bethany Lerch and Mark Peterson
Contractors and civilian personnel are providing critical support to Afghanistan.

Civilian Casualties at Record High in Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
The UN recommends that Afghan government forces stop firing mortars and grenades into civilian-populated areas.
Ukraine’s Geopolitical Spillover Officially Makes it to Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
Russia's closure of the NDN marks the end of an era.

Quo Vadis Afghanistan? General Campbell Testifies on the Hill
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Campbell reports steady progress, but various challenges will remain for Afghan forces in 2015.
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