Resource curse

Nepal’s Hydropower Ambitions at the Crossroads of Climate Shocks
By Atal Ahmadzai
The country's vulnerability to climate-related water shocks is exacerbated by its unique geological and hydrological features.

How Timor-Leste Escaped the Political ‘Resource Curse’
By Moritz Schmoll and Geoffrey Swenson
Asia's youngest nation has shown that resource wealth does not necessarily impede the development of a stable democracy.

Cambodia Announces Game-Changing Crude Oil Extraction
By Sebastian Strangio
Oil revenues will likely further entrench the power of Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Cambodian People's Party.

What's Behind Southeast Asia's Developmental Miracle?
By Teresita Cruz-del Rosario
A closer look at comparative transitions between Southeast Asia and the Middle East can help us understand the forces behind this development.

Afghanistan’s Mineral Wealth: Prosperity or Curse?
By Tamim Momeni
Without aggressive action, the mineral-rich country could fall victim to the resource curse.
East Timor’s Oil Resource: Boon or Bane?
By Mong Palatino
Some are concerned that the country is overly dependent on its oil and gas sector.

Mongolia: Succumbing to the Resource Curse?
Mongolia has done well from the commodities boom. But some troubling signs are emerging.
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