
Richard Nixon

Nixon and China: 50 Years Later

Nixon and China: 50 Years Later

By Francis P. Sempa
Revisiting Nixon’s famous trip to China and his own analysis of China-U.S. relations in the decades that followed.

Narratives of Power and Prejudice: From Nixon to Trump

Narratives of Power and Prejudice: From Nixon to Trump

By Abhijnan Rej
A recent essay about Indira Gandhi and Richard Nixon brings uncomfortable contemporary questions to the fore.
Richard Nixon’s Asian Prophecy

Richard Nixon’s Asian Prophecy

By Francis P. Sempa
Richard Nixon foresaw America’s “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific more than 40 years before it occurred.

The Trump-Kim Lovefest Isn’t Actually Unusual

The Trump-Kim Lovefest Isn’t Actually Unusual

By Pete Millwood
Trump didn't blunder in hailing Kim; this is how U.S. presidents often treat dictators. Look at Nixon and Mao.

How a Film Influenced a US President's Decision to Invade a Foreign Country

How a Film Influenced a US President's Decision to Invade a Foreign Country

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Popular culture continues to play an underestimated role in shaping policy makers world views and choices.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why Nerds Should Not Be in Charge of War

Why Nerds Should Not Be in Charge of War

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Be wary of the national security generalist.

The One China Policy: What Would Nixon Do?

The One China Policy: What Would Nixon Do?

By Joseph Bosco
After the famous opening to China, Nixon and Kissinger's views of China policy diverged.
Evolution of the U.S.-ROK Alliance: Abandonment Fears

Evolution of the U.S.-ROK Alliance: Abandonment Fears

By Leon Whyte
South Korea has at times had reason to fear the strength of its alliance with the United States. Part II in a series.

Nixon’s Retrospective on the Vietnam War

Nixon’s Retrospective on the Vietnam War

By Francis P. Sempa
The former president had much to say on Vietnam and the failed use of American power.

Back to The Future: Republican Foreign Policy and Rebalance

Back to The Future: Republican Foreign Policy and Rebalance

By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
How might a Republican White House engage Asia?

The Geopolitics of Richard Nixon

The Geopolitics of Richard Nixon

By Francis P. Sempa
In two important books, the former president foresaw the end of the Cold War, the rebalance, and much besides.
Will U.S. Midterms Become Justification for Japanese Defense?

Will U.S. Midterms Become Justification for Japanese Defense?

By Clint Richards
A distracted ally may give Abe the rationale for a larger role in regional security.

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