Rohingya crisis
Can Kofi Annan’s Commission Solve the Rohingya Conundrum?
By Nehginpao Kipgen
A new advisory commission, led by Annan, will seek a lasting solution to tensions in Rakhine state.
'No Rohingya': Behind the US Embassy Protest in Myanmar
By David Doyle
"We want to declare to the U.S. embassy and to all the other countries, there are no Rohingya in our country."
Time for a Reevaluation of ASEAN’s Role
By Benny Teh Cheng Guan
Why “people-centered” should become the core policy of ASEAN’s post-2015 agenda.
Asia's Refugee Policy Vacuum
By Dr. Amy Nethery
The broad absence of asylum policy in the region is alarming and needs to be rectified.
The Future of Democracy and Human Rights in Myanmar
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat talks with Delphine Schrank about Myanmar's trajectory.
The Trouble with the US Human Trafficking Report
By Luke Hunt
A focus on annual rankings misses the point.
Why Southeast Asia's Refugee Crisis Matters
By Surin Pitsuwan and Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat launches a new series on the region's refugee crisis. Here's why it matters.
A Rational Approach to the Rohingya Crisis
By Mariana Olaizola Rosenblat
The issue is more complex than many commentators suggest.
Human Trafficking: Thailand’s Porous Borders
By Neil Thompson
A recent clampdown notwithstanding, there has been little progress in ending human trafficking in the region.
ASEAN Move on Rohingya, Slow But Forward
By Luke Hunt
The bloc takes some tentative steps, with a welcome dose of common sense from Mahathir Mohamad.
ASEAN’s Response to Rohingya Crisis Falls Short
By Mong Palatino
Two recent meetings fail to address some crucial issues.
Crocodile Tears for the Rohingya
By Luke Hunt
Political realities within the region worsen the plight of an oppressed minority.