
Rohingya in Bangladesh

Developing Transitional Solutions for Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh 

Developing Transitional Solutions for Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh 

By Iffat Anjum
With long-term solutions likely to remain elusive, it’s time to make serious efforts toward improving Rohingya lives in the short term.

Is Rohingya Repatriation Finally Moving Forward?

Is Rohingya Repatriation Finally Moving Forward?

By Saume Saptaparna Nath
A group of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh recently visited Myanmar’s Rakhine State to lay the groundwork for repatriation. Is Myanmar serious about the effort? 
Does Anyone Want to Solve the Rohingya Crisis?

Does Anyone Want to Solve the Rohingya Crisis?

By Anu Anwar
The long-simmering refugee crisis between Bangladesh and Myanmar is threatening to boil over into a conflict. But it seems none of the regional powers are paying attention.

Hasina’s Pitch for Solving the Rohingya Crisis

Hasina’s Pitch for Solving the Rohingya Crisis

By Kamal Uddin Ahmed
Bangladesh’s prime minister highlighted the issue in her UNGA speech. Will anyone listen?

Who Will Champion the Rohingya?

Who Will Champion the Rohingya?

By Paul McPhun
“Failing meaningful and safe return to Myanmar, I worry what the future holds. How long can people live with so little basic protection and hope?”

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Rohingya Man Sentenced to Death in Bangladesh

Rohingya Man Sentenced to Death in Bangladesh

By Samaya Anjum
The language of the ruling reveals racist treatment of the Rohingya community amid growing calls for their repatriation.

Bangladesh Police Arrest Man in in Rohingya Leader’s Death

Bangladesh Police Arrest Man in in Rohingya Leader’s Death

By Julhas Alam
An international advocate for Rohingya rights, Mohibullah, was fatally shot last week in Cox’s Bazar.
Long After the World Moved on, Bangladesh Is Still Sheltering Rohingya Refugees

Long After the World Moved on, Bangladesh Is Still Sheltering Rohingya Refugees

By Sayeed Ahmed
The world owes Bangladesh a standing ovation for taking in an astonishing 1.3 million Rohingyas.

COVID-19: The Fight Is Far From Over in Cox’s Bazar

COVID-19: The Fight Is Far From Over in Cox’s Bazar

By Poonam Khetrapal Singh
Bangladesh has so far successfully limited the health impact of COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar, where upwards of 850,000 Rohingyas reside. But the international community must continue to step up and support the response.  

Bhasan Char: A New Home for Rohingya Refugees

Bhasan Char: A New Home for Rohingya Refugees

By StoriesAsia
Bangladesh has relocated some of the Rohingya refugees in the country to an island in the Bay of Bengal.

The Rohingyas and the Elephants: How Humans and Nature Collide in Refugee Camps

The Rohingyas and the Elephants: How Humans and Nature Collide in Refugee Camps

By Shah Tazrian Ashrafi
Myanmar’s violent campaign of driving the Rohingya people out of their territory has both human and environmental costs.
Coronavirus and Rohingya Refugee Camps

Coronavirus and Rohingya Refugee Camps

By Ana Salvá
The first confirmed case in Cox’s Bazar, on March 24, is a serious concern for aid workers.

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