
ROK military

Battling the Numbers: South Korea’s Military Downsizes Amid Challenging Demographic Landscape

Battling the Numbers: South Korea’s Military Downsizes Amid Challenging Demographic Landscape

By Henry C. Brown
South Korea's approach highlights the evolving paradigm of global defense, where collaboration, joint training, and agility are increasingly central in upholding peace and stability. 
How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach OPCON Transfer?

How Should South Korea’s Next President Approach OPCON Transfer?

By Sukjoon Yoon
Let's hope that the next president does not paint themselves into a corner on OPCON transfer, as President Moon Jae-in unfortunately did.

Don’t Lose Sight of Under-the-Hood Changes to South Korea’s Defense Posture

Don’t Lose Sight of Under-the-Hood Changes to South Korea’s Defense Posture

By Brad Glosserman and S. Paul Choi
South Korea’s defense posture is undergoing important and underappreciated changes, which bear on its alliance with the United States.

What’s Next for South Korea's ‘Defense Reform 2.0’ Initiative?

What’s Next for South Korea's ‘Defense Reform 2.0’ Initiative?

By Sukjoon Yoon
Moon's plan is primarily concerned with political and social reform, but the military viewpoint must also be taken into account.

How Will ‘Defense Reform 2.0’ Change South Korea’s Defense?

How Will ‘Defense Reform 2.0’ Change South Korea’s Defense?

By Sungyoung Jang
A closer look at Moon Jae-in’s ambitious defense modernization plan.
North Korea's Latest Missile Test and South Korea's Response

North Korea's Latest Missile Test and South Korea's Response

By Clint Work
A look at the implications for the U.S.-South Korea alliance, and for Seoul itself.

The Long History of South Korea's OPCON Debate

The Long History of South Korea's OPCON Debate

By Clint Work
President Moon has once again raised the issue of transferring OPCON to South Korea. What would that actually look like?
South Korea Unveils New Elite Unit of Marines

South Korea Unveils New Elite Unit of Marines

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The unit’s main task is to carry out special operations inside North Korea in the event of war.

South Korea’s Military To Receive New Reconnaissance Drone

South Korea’s Military To Receive New Reconnaissance Drone

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Korean Air recently inked a deal with the Korean military procurement agency to mass-produce a new UAV.

North Korea Flew a Spy Drone Across the DMZ

North Korea Flew a Spy Drone Across the DMZ

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Amidst last month’s tensions, Pyongyang repeatedly dispatched an UAV to observe South Korean troop movements.

North Korea Threatens to Attack US Homeland

North Korea Threatens to Attack US Homeland

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Pyongyang promised dire consequences should a joint ROK-US military drill begin today.
Is Europe Conquering South Korea’s Defense Sector?

Is Europe Conquering South Korea’s Defense Sector?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
European military hardware is becoming more popular on the Korean peninsula.

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