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South Korea Moves Forward With Plans to Buy 20 More F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets
By Franz-Stefan Gady
South Korea’s DAPA has purportedly initiated the procurement process for 20 more F-35As.

US, Japan, South Korea Conduct Nighttime Air Exercise
By Franz-Stefan Gady
US strategic bombers for the first time carried out a nighttime training mission with Japanese, ROK fighter Jets near Sea of Japan.

US, Japan, South Korea Stage Show-of-Force Following North Korean Missile Overflight of Japan
By Ankit Panda
The mission was described by U.S. Pacific Command as a "sequenced bilateral show of force."

US Dispatches 2 Heavy Strategic Bombers to Korean Peninsula
By Franz-Stefan Gady
After North Korea’s recent ICBM test, the U.S. dispatched 2 B-1B Lancers for joint drills with Japan and South Korea.

South Korea: Upgraded F-16s Capable of Striking Key North Korean Targets
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A first batch of F-16 fighter jets has reportedly been upgraded with new weapons systems.

South Korean Air Force Receives New Bunker Busting Cruise Missiles
By Ankit Panda
South Korea's F-15K Slam Eagle fighters will have another card up their sleeve.

South Korea, United States Hold Largest Ever Joint Air Drill
By Ankit Panda
Plus, China's new Shenyang J-15 jet makes an appearance, and the U.S. Air Force's A-10 gets ready to retire.

South Korea to Purchase F-35s
By Zachary Keck
South Korea has officially selected the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to replace its aging F-4 and F-5 fleet.
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