Russia-Iran relations

Russia Expands Oil Trade South via Afghanistan, Seeking Warm Water Ports
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Afghanistan is emerging as a key transit point for Russian oil as the Kremlin seeks to establish new trade routes to Asia and the Middle East.

Can Russia Piggyback on China’s ‘String of Pearls’?
By Nicholas Trickett
Russia looks to gain an advantage from the glut of infrastructure projects in Pakistan, Iran, and India.

Why Can’t Russia Exploit Trade Opportunities with India and Iran?
By Nicholas Trickett
Russia needs better North-South engagement to avoid dependence on China. But it isn’t well-equipped to achieve it.

The Seesaw Saga of Russia-Iran Relations
By Umar Khan
The two states' current cooperation is an historical aberration.

Has Putin Just Killed the Iran-Russia Air Defense Missile Deal?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Vladimir Putin has frozen the transfer of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Iran, a Kuwait-based newspaper claims.

The Russian-Iranian Military Agreement: Another Perspective
By Thomas Frear
Could oil price fears be driving Moscow to play the role of spoiler?

Russia and Iran: A Balancing Act
Moscow seeks to combine pragmatism with maximum leverage, at least until Iran achieves a détente with the West.
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