Russia-Turkey relations

5th Round of Astana Syria Peace Talks End Without Agreement
By Catherine Putz
The de-escalation zones, let alone which country's "military observers" would maintain them, remain under discussion.

Russian Ambassador Assassinated in Ankara
By Catherine Putz
The shocking killing of the Russian Ambassador has unclear ramifications.

Nazarbayev the Mediator Sets Sights on Ukraine Crisis
By Catherine Putz
Crises come and go, but Russia-Kazakhstan remain fast friends.

How Exactly Did Kazakhstan Help Turkish-Russian Rapprochement Along?
By Catherine Putz
More on Kazakh-Russian relations, troubling constitutional changes brewing in Kyrgyzstan, and a beard story; links.

Russia-Turkey Relations: Back on Track?
By Catherine Putz
Erdogan's first trip abroad following the July 15 coup attempt was to Russia to patch up relations.

Kazakhstan's Nazarbayev First World Leader to Visit Post-Coup Turkey
By Catherine Putz
Nazarbayev is the first world leader to pay Turkish President Erdogan a visit following last month's coup attempt.

Coup Attempt Clears Way for Turkish-Russian Rapprochement
By Catherine Putz
Turkey has radically revised its position on why a Russian jet was shot down last year, much to Moscow's appreciation.

Kazakhstan Gets Thanks for Russia-Turkey Rapprochement
By Catherine Putz
Turkish leaders have thanked both Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan for helping bring the two states back together.

The Turkish-Russian Rapprochement
By Catherine Putz
Seven months after the downing of a Russian jet on the Turkey-Syria border, Moscow and Ankara might be moving toward normalization.

The Russia-Kazakhstan-Turkey Triangle
By Catherine Putz
A visit and a phone call illustrate that Astana is stuck between Moscow and Ankara.

How to Quit the Kazakh Media Game
By Catherine Putz
Russia vs Turkey and Uzbekistan’s co-opting of the ISIS threat; weekend reads.

A Tangled Web: Russia, Turkey and Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
Moscow’s displeasure with Ankara is trickling into Central Asia, but to varying degrees in each capital.
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