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'Arma Virumque Cano' - Parades and Militarism in Asia

'Arma Virumque Cano' - Parades and Militarism in Asia

By Franz-Stefan Gady
When militarism and national insecurity intersect, as they seem to be doing today in Asia, carnage often follows.
Can the United States and Russia Jointly Combat Afghan Heroin?

Can the United States and Russia Jointly Combat Afghan Heroin?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report wants Moscow and Washington to work together to fight drug trafficking.

These Russian Missiles Will Make Bombing Iran Riskier

These Russian Missiles Will Make Bombing Iran Riskier

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Moscow is making a strong effort to improve ties with Tehran.

Sold: Russian S-400 Missile Defense Systems to China

Sold: Russian S-400 Missile Defense Systems to China

By Catherine Putz
China will become the first foreign buyer of Russia's S-400 missile defense system.

The End of the American Way of War?

The End of the American Way of War?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. military's technological superiority is slipping, says Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work.
Is Russia More Powerful Than China in Cyberspace?

Is Russia More Powerful Than China in Cyberspace?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Recent intrusions by Russian hackers indicate that Moscow's cyber espionage activities are expanding.

Remembering Kyrgyzstan's Revolutions

Remembering Kyrgyzstan's Revolutions

By Catherine Putz
Two revolutions in ten years, is Kyrgyzstan any better off?

Russian Submarine Catches Fire

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Bad News for Russia’s Naval Ambitions?

Times Are Getting Tougher for Central Asian Migrant Workers in Russia

By Catherine Putz
The Russian language, history, and civics test for migrant workers is getting tougher and more politicized this summer.

Putin’s New 'Wunderwaffe': The World’s Deadliest Tank?

Putin’s New 'Wunderwaffe': The World’s Deadliest Tank?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why tankers in the West should be worried about Moscow's new armor.

Is the Pentagon Losing the Arms Race in Space?

Is the Pentagon Losing the Arms Race in Space?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Pentagon officials are deeply worried about Chinese and Russian anti-satellite weapons. Are their concerns justified?
Russia’s Eastern Command at Sea

Russia’s Eastern Command at Sea

By Greg Austin
Russia is intent on returning to classic geopolitics backed up by naval power.

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