
Russian military activity in Asia-Pacific

Why Are Russian Military Planes Flying Around Taiwan?

Why Are Russian Military Planes Flying Around Taiwan?

By John S. Van Oudenaren
Russia has little rationale for sending warplanes close to Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea – aside from appeasing China.
2 Russian Nuclear-Capable Bombers Enter South Korea’s Air Defense Identification Zone

2 Russian Nuclear-Capable Bombers Enter South Korea’s Air Defense Identification Zone

By Franz-Stefan Gady
South Korea and Japan scrambled fighter jets to intercept Russian bombers approaching the air spaces of both countries.

Japan Air Self Defense Force: Intercepts Down 23 Percent

Japan Air Self Defense Force: Intercepts Down 23 Percent

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The number of Japan Air Self Defense Force scrambles decreased by 23 percent during fiscal year 2017.

Japanese Fighter Jets Intercept Nuclear-Capable Russian Bombers Near US Base

Japanese Fighter Jets Intercept Nuclear-Capable Russian Bombers Near US Base

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Two Russian bombers hurtled close to U.S. and Japanese bases including Misawa Air Base, Yokosuka Naval Base and Atsugi Air Base.

Japanese Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Bombers

Japanese Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Bombers

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japanese fighter jets scrambled to intercept two Russian bombers approaching Japan's airspace.
Russia Flies Nuclear-Capable Bombers Near North Korea

Russia Flies Nuclear-Capable Bombers Near North Korea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Russian bombers reportedly violated South Korea’s air-defense identification zone.

Japan Air Self-Defense Force: Chinese Intercepts Down 50, Russia Up 60 Percent

Japan Air Self-Defense Force: Chinese Intercepts Down 50, Russia Up 60 Percent

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Following a record high in 2016, the number of Chinese military aircraft approaching Japanese airspace was almost cut in half from April to June 2017.
Russia Conducts Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercise in Asia

Russia Conducts Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercise in Asia

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Russian anti-submarine warfare aircraft successfully destroyed an enemy boat in a simulated attack.

Japan Scrambles Fighter Jets to Head off Strategic Russian Bombers

Japan Scrambles Fighter Jets to Head off Strategic Russian Bombers

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan’s Ministry of Defense intercepted three Russian aircraft close to Japanese airspace on April 12.

Japan Scrambles Fighter Jets to Intercept 3 Russian Strategic Bombers

Japan Scrambles Fighter Jets to Intercept 3 Russian Strategic Bombers

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Is Russia stepping up its aerial patrols in the Asia-Pacific region?

Russia to Set up Heavy Bomber Division to Patrol Japan, Hawaii, and Guam

Russia to Set up Heavy Bomber Division to Patrol Japan, Hawaii, and Guam

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new division of Russian strategic bombers will soon begin conducting patrols over the Pacific Ocean.
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