Russia's Crimea annexation

Crimea: When Is an Annexation Not Actually an Annexation?
By Casey Michel
Three years ago, Russia formally annexed Crimea, citing a flawed referendum.

Selective Revanchist Recognition: Trump, Crimea and the South China Sea
By Casey Michel
On the South China Sea, the Trump administration seems to be taking a hard line. Not so on the issue of Crimea.

Will Trump Recognize Russian Annexation of Crimea?
By Casey Michel
It would be a break from Washington's stated policy of non-recognition.

Japan and Shinzo Abe's Gamble With Russia
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan's outreach to Russia is risky, as it could end up alienating the United States.

Crimea and the South China Sea: Russia and China Grasp for Support
By Casey Michel
Only a handful of countries side with both Moscow and Beijing on their respective controversial territorial claims.

Iran, Turkey and China’s Middle Eastern Pivot
By H. Akin Unver
Thanks to events in Russia and Syria, Turkey lost its rivalry with Iran to be China’s Middle Eastern pivot. Here’s how.
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