
S Jaishankar

India’s Spurning Strategy Toward China: Contestation in Indo-Pacific 

India’s Spurning Strategy Toward China: Contestation in Indo-Pacific 

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
As far as China-India bilateral relations are concerned, New Delhi has sent repeated signals that it will stick to its position that relations can’t improve until the border mess is cleared up.

India Urges Pro-China Maldives to Ease Tensions

India Urges Pro-China Maldives to Ease Tensions

By Ashok Sharma
The Indian and Maldivian foreign ministers met in New Delhi a day ahead of the deadline for the withdrawal of Indian soldiers from the archipelago.
India Looks to Step Up Security and Economic Cooperation With Japan, South Korea

India Looks to Step Up Security and Economic Cooperation With Japan, South Korea

By Mari Yamaguchi
Jaishankar’s trip to East Asia touched on similar themes in both Seoul and Tokyo.

India Turns the Page on Ties with Russia After Ukraine War

India Turns the Page on Ties with Russia After Ukraine War

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Over the past two years, India was wary of being perceived as aligned with an isolated Russia. That changed during Foreign Minister Jaishankar’s visit to Moscow.

Momentum in the India-Australia Relationship on Display With 2+2 Strategic Dialogue

Momentum in the India-Australia Relationship on Display With 2+2 Strategic Dialogue

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Canberra and New Delhi look at each other as vital partners playing critical roles in maintaining peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India-US 2+2 Strategic Dialogue Keeps Indo-Pacific in Focus

India-US 2+2 Strategic Dialogue Keeps Indo-Pacific in Focus

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite multiple crises in Europe and the Middle East, the 2+2 strategic dialogue demonstrated that Washington has not entirely lost sight of what needs to be done in the Indo-Pacific. 

India’s Growing Defense Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

India’s Growing Defense Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

By Araudra Singh
New Delhi sees the ASEAN nations as amenable strategic partners, and potential customers for its nascent defense industry.
Indian Foreign Minister Visits Australia Amid Deepening Relations

Indian Foreign Minister Visits Australia Amid Deepening Relations

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
There is a lot riding on the relationship for both New Delhi and Canberra given that both have a inherent interest in balancing China and ensuring a stable Indo-Pacific strategic order.

India, Pakistan Ministers Trade Heated Accusations of Terrorism

India, Pakistan Ministers Trade Heated Accusations of Terrorism

By Edith M Lederer
While India’s foreign minister described Pakistan as the “epicenter of terrorism,” his Pakistani counterpart labeled the Indian PM as “the butcher of Gujarat.”

Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Goes to Russia

Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Goes to Russia

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi’s relations with Moscow continue to be good, but the long-term prognosis is complicated, especially by China.

A Combative India is Hitting Back Abroad

A Combative India is Hitting Back Abroad

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Irked over Canada allowing a referendum on Khalistan to take place, India hit back with a travel advisory cautioning against increasing hate crimes in Canada.
India and Japan Hold 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue 

India and Japan Hold 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue 

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The India-Japan engagement has been enhanced both on the bilateral front as well as in minilateral formats such as the Quad in recent years. 

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