
Malaysia’s Anwar Again Says Oil and Gas Exploration Will Continue
By Sebastian Strangio
China has protested the state energy firm Petronas' exploration activities in the South China Sea.

Controversial Billionaire and Malaysian State Leader Is Laid to Rest
By Luke Hunt
The Bruno Manser Fund wants Taib Mahmud's assets and bank accounts frozen.

Reexamining East Malaysian Security in an Age of Growing Threats
By Karisma Putera Abd Rahman and Fikry A. Rahman
Non-traditional security threats, such as kidnapping, crossborder terrorist infiltration, and illegal migration, call for renewed attention to the country's Bornean provinces.

‘Sarawak First’ Triumphs as GPS Dominates in Malaysian State Polls
By Alifah Zainuddin
While Sarawakians want more autonomy to govern, they are willing to live with Putrajaya for now.

Malaysia Readies for Crucial Sarawak State Elections
By Sebastian Strangio
The elections fall amidst an upswing in pro-autonomy sentiment in the eastern Malaysian state.

James Chin on MA63 and the Return of State Nationalism in Malaysia
By Sebastian Strangio
Calls for increased autonomy for Sabah and Sarawak are once again on the agenda in Malaysian politics.

Malaysian Cabotage Policy Agitates Old Wounds in the Country’s East
By Tharishini Krishnan
Malaysia's burdensome maritime regulations have put the question of autonomy for Sabah and Sarawak back on the agenda.

BorneoExit: Independence for East Malaysia?
By Robert Bociaga
Longstanding tensions between East Malaysia and Peninsular Malaysia have some seeking autonomy – or even secession.

Malaysia's New Political Tsunami
By Michio Ueda
What led to the historic election result -- and where does Malaysia go from here?

Stunning Honesty From Sarawak's New Chief Minister
By Luke Hunt
Adenan Satem shocks observers by calling out the state’s rampant corruption.

Taib Mahmud’s Really Excellent Retirement
By Luke Hunt
Sarawak’s chief minister steps down with an impressive fortune, and a barrage of legal assaults.
Global Witness Video Exposes Alleged Corruption in Sarawak
NGO Global Witness has captured evidence of possible corruption in Sarawak’s logging industry.
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