Scott Morrison

Australia's Harsh Immigration Policy
By Claire Loughnan
The re-elected Liberal government in Australia will continue to secure the border, but at what cost?

Is China the Only Defining Factor in India-Australia Relations?
By Niranjan Marjani
As both countries recalibrate their approaches to China, their bilateral relations have taken a back seat.

What Next For ‘Miracle Man’ Morrison?
By Anthony Fensom
Can Morrison and Australia's Coalition make the most of an unexpected election victory?

China and Taiwan on the Mind as Australia’s Morrison Heads to the Solomon Islands
By Grant Wyeth
Finding a position respectful of Honiara that also maintains Canberra’s strategic desires will require a deft touch.

Australia’s Election Delivers Morrison’s Miracle
By Anthony Fensom
In a shock upset, the ruling coalition will stay in government under Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Australian Prime Minister Predicts Close Election Result
By Rod McGuirk
The odds are in favor of the opposition, but incumbent Scott Morrison remains hopeful.

Australia’s Liberal Party Releases National Security Plan Ahead of May Elections
By Samuel Bashfield & James Mortensen
The plan broadens the church of national security but it doesn’t provide much clarity.

Australia’s Israel Embassy Decision and the Convergence of Conservative Identity
By Grant Wyeth
Australia’s foreign policy may be moving into a phase where it is no longer mostly above partisan politics.

Liberal Bloodbath Repels Australian Voters
By Anthony Fensom
The ruling party is already paying the price for its party room coup this summer.

Australia: The Morrison Way
By Daniel Flitton
The summit circuit approaches and Australia’s new prime minister will take his one-man leadership show on the road.

Australia-Indonesia Ties: The Problem of Unnecessary Irritants
By Luke Hunt
The recent controversy about a potential Israel embassy move is exactly the kind of thing the relationship does not need.

Australian Government's Balancing Act Gets a Little Bit Harder
By Anthony Fensom
The loss in the Wentworth by-election cost the Morrison government its lower house majority.