
What the Launch of a UN Hub in Almaty Could Mean for Stability in Afghanistan and Central Asia
By Alberto Frigerio
Kazakhstan, as Central Asia’s largest economy, has a vested interest in ensuring that Afghanistan is integrated into regional economic frameworks.

Why the SDGs Should Be Revised to Meet the Needs of Indigenous Peoples
By Rithy Bun
Indigenous people have unique needs and backgrounds that are overlooked by the 17 targets outlined by the United Nations.

Sustainable Development Goals Can Guide Asia-Pacific To Build Back Better
By Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana
The region fell short of its 2020 milestones for the Goals, even before entering the global pandemic. As the Asia-Pacific rebuilds, it must change course.

Comparing Pandemic Responses in Bangladesh and Kerala
By M Niaz Asadullah and Antonio Savoia
Bangladesh’s COVID-19 response shows the need for increased state capacity in meeting challenges and shocks.

The Asia-Pacific’s Education Crisis
By Lateisha Ugwuegbula
Educational gaps and shortcomings in the Asia-Pacific could make or break the 2030 SDG challenge.

Building an Inclusive United Nations with Taiwan on Board
By Jaushieh Joseph Wu
The principles of inclusiveness and leaving no one behind are key to realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The G20 Comes to Japan: Making Sense of the Osaka Agenda
By Wrenn Yennie Lindgren
How do the outcomes of the G-20’s eight engagement groups factor into this year’s Osaka Summit?
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