

Japan Plans Large Unmanned Submersibles

Japan Plans Large Unmanned Submersibles

By Steven Stashwick
New capabilities suggest how Japan plans to defend Senkakus in East China Sea.
Japan-China Maritime Crisis Management Talks Are On the Horizon

Japan-China Maritime Crisis Management Talks Are On the Horizon

By Ankit Panda
Chinese and Japanese officials will meet in Singapore in May to further discuss a maritime crisis management mechanism.

Japan’s Evolving Security Architecture

Japan’s Evolving Security Architecture

By Sebastian Maslow
The East Asia crisis gives Shinzo Abe the momentum to advance sweeping changes to Japan’s national security policy.

How China Plans to Use the Su-35

How China Plans to Use the Su-35

By Peter Wood
Acquisition of the advanced Su-35 fighter would give China some significant new capabilities.

The Rise of the Drones

The Rise of the Drones

Although convenient in fighting terrorism, the U.S. and others need to consider the broader implications of drone warfare.

Osprey vs. Bison in the East China Sea

Osprey vs. Bison in the East China Sea

China, Japan and the U.S. are ramping up their ability to deploy to disputed islands in the East China Sea.

37th Hong Kong International Film Festival Kicks Off

37th Hong Kong International Film Festival Kicks Off

One of Asia’s largest film festivals is underway, with a varied cinematic mix.

China's Maritime Surveillance Fleet Adds Muscle

China's Maritime Surveillance Fleet Adds Muscle

China has added new capabilities that could increase tensions in the East and South China Seas even more.

A Frightening Prospect: War in the East China Sea

A Frightening Prospect: War in the East China Sea

A noted scholar warns of a China – Japan war with the U.S. being dragged in. Is it possible?

Japan's Three Options in the East China Sea

Japan's Three Options in the East China Sea

Tokyo has a number of options when its comes to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands spat. What should Japan do?

What to Talk About: Easing China-Japan Island Tensions

What to Talk About: Easing China-Japan Island Tensions

China and Japan will hold fresh talks over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Can a compromise be found?

Thinking About the Unthinkable: War in the Senkakus

Thinking About the Unthinkable: War in the Senkakus

Japan is at a disadvantage in the Senkakus despite the Self-Defense Forces’ superior quality.

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