

Is the US Army Near a Breaking Point?

Is the US Army Near a Breaking Point?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
According to a senior Pentagon official, this very well may be the case in the near future given sequestration.

US Surrenders Naval Logistics Supremacy

US Surrenders Naval Logistics Supremacy

By James R. Holmes
Without underway replenishment ships, America’s ability to project power in wartime will shrivel.
The Crisis of Confidence in US Hegemony

The Crisis of Confidence in US Hegemony

By Chen Jimin
New constraints on US power create their own risks for the international community.

US Nixes Plan to Reduce Carrier Force

US Nixes Plan to Reduce Carrier Force

By Zachary Keck
Pressure from the White House and Congress has led the Pentagon to drop a plan to reduce the number of aircraft carriers.

America’s Military at a Crossroads

America’s Military at a Crossroads

By Harry Kazianis
The U.S. military faces a 21st century identity crisis. But despite blanket spending cuts, it has options.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The US Army Declares Itself Nearly Impotent

The US Army Declares Itself Nearly Impotent

In increasingly dire warnings, Army leaders are suggesting that budget cuts may render it unable to fight wars.

Can Prompt Global Strike Survive Sequestration?

Can Prompt Global Strike Survive Sequestration?

The Virginia Payload Module is the latest part of the Prompt Global Strike program to see its funding slashed.

US Conducts “Sweeping Overhaul” of Pacific War Plans

US Conducts “Sweeping Overhaul” of Pacific War Plans

Plus, the Pentagon won’t terminate the F-35 program, but it may mothball 3 aircraft carriers. Friday defense links.

Western Defense Companies Face Grim Future

Western Defense Companies Face Grim Future

According to a new report, worldwide defense spending declined in 2012 and the outlook for Western companies is bleak.

A Nuclear Pivot to Asia?

A Nuclear Pivot to Asia?

If America’s conventional superiority in Asia declines, then the relative importance of its nuclear edge will rise.

The Consequences of Sequestration

The Consequences of Sequestration

The stinging cuts of sequestration will have a tremendous impact on America’s capacity to protect the world’s maritime commons — with devastating consequences.

Sequestration's Impact on America's Military

Sequestration's Impact on America's Military

Sequestration is looming. What impact will it have on America’s forces in the Pacific?

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