
America’s Dangerous Drift
The U.S. faces tremendous challenges at home and abroad. Without a grand strategy, America’s perilous drift is likely to continue, and worsen.

New Hope, Old Problems for the Global Economy
The beginning of the year has been greeted with a degree of optimism. Will lingering issues dampen spirits?

Global Markets Rise on Fiscal Cliff Agreement
While a deal was struck, coming showdowns over the debt ceiling and sequestration are around the corner.

Fool's Errand: America's Pivot to Asia
As the U.S. stares down a “fiscal cliff”, some are arguing for an increase in defense spending to support America’s pivot to Asia. It could however create more problems than it solves.
A Bipartisan National Security Agenda
When Mitt Romney and Barack Obama meet, they should outline a consensus on four common sense issues.

The Return of Dr. Strangelove
How fiscal austerity will push the United States towards nuclear arms and cyber-warfare.