Shinzo Abe
On Nuclear Summit Sidelines, US, South Korea, and Japan Stand Against North Korea
By Ankit Panda
Obama, Park, and Abe emphasized their common position on North Korea's recent nuclear provocations.
Why China Should Not Worry About Japan’s New Security Laws
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Little will change (for now).
Japan: Shinzo Abe’s Upcoming Election Test
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Will Japan’s farmers revolt against the LDP in the July Upper House election?
Japan: Why the TPP Bill Will Pass the Diet
By Markus Winter
Despite opposition efforts, here is why the bill will pass through parliament.
Japan's Declining Place in Chinese Diplomacy
By Xue Li and Zheng Yuwen
With Japan dismissive of China's "Belt and Road," Tokyo is losing prominence in Chinese foreign policy.
Japan's Evolving Role in the UN
By Yuki Tatsumi and Hana Rudolph
Can Japan continue to be a "peace enabler" in the United Nations?
Tokyo, Okinawa Avoid Court Battle Over Futenma Base Issue
By Mina Pollmann
In the latest twist in the Futenma relocation saga, Tokyo and Okinawa have shelved their court cases.
China's Foreign Minister: No Cause for Optimism in China-Japan Relations
By Shannon Tiezzi
Despite advances in 2015, Wang Yi sees an uncertain future ahead for China-Japan relations.
Is the Japan-India Military Aircraft Deal Dead?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tokyo says it has no immediate plans to sell US-2 amphibious aircraft to New Delhi.
Is This the United States' Grand Plan for Responding to China in the South China Sea?
By Ankit Panda
Is the United States building a coalition of democracies to preserve order and international law in the South China Sea?
Japan Moves (Slowly) Toward Electoral Reform
By Mina Pollmann
Prime Minister Abe has pushed forward the timetable for reform, but critics say his plan doesn't go far enough.
The Japan-South Korea Comfort Women Deal
By Brad Glosserman and Scott Snyder
Can it last?