Singapore migrant workers

A Lorry Ride With Singapore’s Migrant Workers
By Ada Cheong
Singapore is virtually the only remaining first-world country where it is legal for migrant workers to be ferried on lorries, a vehicle designed for cargo rather than passengers.

Civil Society Groups to Hold Climate Rally in Singapore
By Robin Vochelet
Several of the city-state’s NGOs are joining forces to highlight the overlap between climate and social justice, and the urgent need to address both.

Renewed Debates over the Safety of Lorry Rides for Singapore’s Migrant Workers
By Robin Vochelet
A recent series of road accidents has once again raised questions about the treatment of the city-state's large population of foreign laborers.

Who Gets to Speak for Migrant Workers in Singapore?
By Robin Vochelet
Last month, the city-state canceled the work permit of a Bangladeshi laborer who had become an outspoken advocate of Singapore's migrant worker population.

‘Just a Maid’: Report Highlights Emotional Abuse of Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore
By Sebastian Strangio
Workers, most of them from the Philippines, reported being subject to threats, intimidation, and invasion of privacy.

UN Calls on Asian Nations to Vaccinate Migrant Workers Against COVID-19
By Sebastian Strangio
In many places, migrants have been disproportionately affected by the spread of COVID-19.

Amid COVID-19, Singapore Safeguards Citizens’ Jobs at the Expense of Foreign Workers
By Mary Manlangit
The pandemic, coupled with rising domestic pressure, has led the Lion City to tighten restrictions on foreign workers.

Why Have Singaporeans Turned Against Indian Professionals?
By Asif Ullah Khan
With job losses mounting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some Singaporeans are blaming Indian nationals.

The Missing Link in Singapore’s COVID-19 Strategy
By Shona Loong
Singapore is held up as a model of pandemic management, but that success doesn't extend to its migrant workers.

Singapore’s Migrant Worker Debate: Advocacy Amid a Pandemic
By Yong Han Poh
What a migrant worker dormitory debate revealed about the relationship between Singapore’s government, citizens, and NGOs.

Riot Reveals Cracks in Singapore Society
By Kirsten Han
Singapore’s normally ordered society has been shaken by the rioting last weekend.
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