
Sino-Japanese ties

How Beijing Sees Abe's Return

How Beijing Sees Abe's Return

In condemning Shinzo Abe’s return as Japan’s prime minister, China inadvertently shows why it might be a good thing.

Something to Talk About in the East China Sea

Something to Talk About in the East China Sea

What the past may offer for breaking the diplomatic impasse over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

An Ominous Pledge

An Ominous Pledge

The Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute is even more complex because of the way it involves the U.S., and its nuclear guarantees.

Why China is Getting Tough

Worries over domestic unrest and a permissive regional environment are behind China’s recent assertiveness.

Politicizing China-Japan Ties

Politicizing China-Japan Ties

China sees relations with Japan as a political issue. As a result, conservatives are likely to hold sway over decisions.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

A View on Nationalism

A View on Nationalism

Nationalism in Japan is confined mostly to the elites, but is more broad-based in China, says academic Gui Yongtao.

China's Earthquake Response

China's Earthquake Response

The reaction to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan has been mostly sympathetic.

China's Soft Power

China's Soft Power

Writer Joshua Kurlantzick discusses the benefits and limits of China’s use of soft power diplomacy.

Ishihara: Japan Needs Nukes

Ishihara: Japan Needs Nukes

Outspoken Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara calls for Japan to build nuclear weapons to counter a rising China.

China, Japan Eye Maritime Talks

Will plans for maritime talks between top Chinese and Japanese officials help avoid spats over the Senkaku Islands?

DPJ Grey at APEC

DPJ Grey at APEC

TPP entry placed on back burner as Naoto Kan gets sidetracked by diplomatic disputes at APEC summit.

China Scaring Chinese?

China Scaring Chinese?

China’s neighbours aren’t the only ones alarmed by it’s growing diplomatic and military assertiveness.

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