social media in Central Asia

Young People, Social Media, and Urban Transformation of Dushanbe
By Sher Khashimov and Tahmina Inoyatova
In the Tajik capital, young people turn to social media to document and discuss the changing face of the city.

Fed Up Kyrgyz Forge Ahead with Online Protests
By Colleen Wood
What should we make of a new digital flashmob that channels widespread discontent with Kyrgyzstan’s government?

Can Social Media Change Governance in Central Asia?
By Colleen Wood
Improved digital infrastructure and pushes for reform are changing how Central Asian politicians and bureaucrats govern.

Soviet Nostalgia Meets Kyrgyz Social Media
By Colleen Wood
Social media accounts specializing in historical photos of Kyrgyzstan reflect young people’s desire to learn about their country’s past.
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