
Soft Power

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China’s Naval Strategy: Mahanian Ends Through Maoist Means

China’s Naval Strategy: Mahanian Ends Through Maoist Means

The Naval Diplomat reviews how his 2010 book on China’s naval rise has stood the test of time.

Soft Power: A U.S.-China Battleground?

Recent comments suggest China’s authorities are increasingly aware of the need to match U.S. soft power.

Soft Power? China Has Plenty

Soft Power? China Has Plenty

China has little attractive power – in the West. But then not everyone is watching China through Western eyes.

Asian Nations Are Not Popular Worldwide: BBC Poll

Asian Nations Are Not Popular Worldwide: BBC Poll

Pakistan and Iran are viewed more negatively than North Korea, while India and China’s popularity sharply decreased this year.

America’s Undiminished Power of Attraction

America’s Undiminished Power of Attraction

The possibility of free trade agreements such as TAFTA and TPP could change the game of world politics.

Japan's ASEAN Charm Offensive

Japan's ASEAN Charm Offensive

Japan and the ASEAN community have a long history of strong ties. Shared interests could push them even closer.

Destined To Fail: China's Soft Power Push

Beijing is expanding efforts to enhance its soft power. Events at home illustrate why such moves are headed for trouble.

Air Force's "Soft Power": Still Fiction

Air Force's "Soft Power": Still Fiction

Robert Farley explains that the U.S. Air Force is still unsuited to achieving soft power ends.

Navy Enthusiasts Get Air Diplomacy Wrong

Navy Enthusiasts Get Air Diplomacy Wrong

Adam Lowther responds to Robert Farley’s critique of the U.S. Air Force’s use of “soft power.”

American Airpower = Soft Power?

American Airpower = Soft Power?

Robert Farley argues “there is simply no way for the Air Force to develop an independent service ‘soft power’ concept.”

South Korea: Bollywood's Future Market?

South Korea: Bollywood's Future Market?

Brand Bollywood’s penetration of the South Korean market is an idea whose time has come.

Sorry World: What Happens in Beijing, WON'T Stay in Beijing

Sorry World: What Happens in Beijing, WON'T Stay in Beijing

While many have feared its rise, a weaker China struggling with economic and political challenges at home may present an even greater challenge.

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