Sony Hack

Hacks After Nukes: The Coming of North Korea’s Cyber Threat
By Treviliana Putri
The upcoming Trump-Kim summit may provide an opportunity to raise questions about North Korea’s cyber attacks.

Russia Sanctions are Insufficient: Use Active Cyber Defense
By Scott Jasper
“A new approach is needed to shape views of the costs and benefits of cyber attacks.”

US: Hackers Will 'Pay A Price' for Cyber Attacks
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In a recent speech, the head of the NSA notes that the U.S. will retaliate against malicious actors in cyberspace.

The Sources of North Korean Conduct
By Andy Morimoto
We can be incensed by North Korean bellicosity, but we shouldn’t be surprised.

China and Internet Sovereignty Revisited
By Franz-Stefan Gady
How can China more effectively cooperate on cybersecurity issues with the rest of the world?

The Sony Case: Another Look
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Many security researchers in the United States remain skeptical about the degree of North Korea’s involvement.

South Korean Government Won't Stop Balloon-Drop of 'The Interview' in North Korea
By Tae-jun Kang
South Korean authorities won't prevent a human rights group from dropping DVDs of The Interview in North Korea.

US Sony Hack Response: A Message to China?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The quick and robust US government response to North Korea may be aimed at sending a message.

Can the White House Make Kimchi out of Cabbage in the Sony Hack?
By Klée Aiken
The White House may have overstepped in its initial response to the cyber hack.

China Ignores US Call for Cooperation on North Korean Cyber Attacks
By Shannon Tiezzi
China and the U.S. remain far apart when it comes to cyber issues.

US Considering Options After Sony Hack
By Ankit Panda
Plus, U.S. PACOM has a new commander, Putin isn't happy, and ISRO's rocket launch. Weekend links.
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