
South Korea internet

South Korea’s ‘Sender Pays’ Policy Is a Threat to the Internet

South Korea’s ‘Sender Pays’ Policy Is a Threat to the Internet

By Adrian Wan
The “sender pays” model is poised to create fragmentation of digital rules and standards, compromising the digital ecosystems that have been at the heart of the internet’s innovation and growth.

What the South Korea-US Summit Had to Say About Internet Policy

What the South Korea-US Summit Had to Say About Internet Policy

By Sang Kim
Behind the headlines, the latest joint statement touched on some issues central to the future of the internet and the digital economy.
Netflix and SK Broadband Battle Over Who Pays in South Korea

Netflix and SK Broadband Battle Over Who Pays in South Korea

By Sang Kim
Netflix’s success has led to huge spike in internet traffic in South Korea – and a dispute over who should shoulder that burden.

South Korea’s Largest Internet Portal Shuts Down Controversial Trending Searches Chart

South Korea’s Largest Internet Portal Shuts Down Controversial Trending Searches Chart

By Jenna Gibson
Naver will shutter the feature, which has been subject to economic and political manipulation in the past.

South Korea: Cyberbullying Amid Coronavirus

South Korea: Cyberbullying Amid Coronavirus

By Justin Fendos
Some online trolls seem determined to infuse Korean politics and COVID-19 with racial tensions.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Suspicions Grow in South Korea Over China’s Online Influence Operations

Suspicions Grow in South Korea Over China’s Online Influence Operations

By Tae-jun Kang
Claims about Chinese attempts to divide South Korean society are gaining increasing attention.

Telegram Sex Slave Video Scandal Hits South Korea

Telegram Sex Slave Video Scandal Hits South Korea

By Tae-jun Kang
Yet another disturbing example of “rape culture” in South Korea has the public demanding government action.
South Korea's New Internet Controls Spark Controversy

South Korea's New Internet Controls Spark Controversy

By Tae-jun Kang
As Seoul tightens its control over cyberspace, some privacy and free speech advocates are raising the alarm.

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