South Korea multiculturalism

Afghanistan Crisis Reignites South Korea’s Refugee Debate
By Seoho Lee and Natalia Slavney
As South Korea admits Afghans as “special contributors,” the country remains divided over refugees.

How South Korea's Growing Multiculturalism Could Complicate Unification
By Steven Denney
A new report underscores the challenges of integrating "new Koreans" in the event of national unification.

Multicultural Korea and Its Discontents
By Steven Denney
The number of multicultural South Korean families has doubled since 2007.

In South Korea, Changing Attitudes Toward Marriage
By Steven Denney
South Koreans increasingly see marriage as less imperative and cohabitation as more acceptable.

Migrant Brides in South Korea
By Irene Yuan
The government will need to see international marriages as more than just a means of ensuring a future workforce.

South Korea Redefines Multiculturalism
The country is making a serious effort to adjust to its rising population of foreign residents.

Korea’s Multicultural Growing Pains
A recent incident involving Little Psy highlights South Korea’s struggles with its growing racial diversity.
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