
South Korea Navy

South Korea Can Play a More Active Role in the South China Sea

South Korea Can Play a More Active Role in the South China Sea

By Jihoon Yu
As tensions escalate in contested regional waters, Seoul will have to face difficult questions about its maritime role in the Indo-Pacific.

2 Koreas Exchange Warning Shots Along Disputed Sea Boundary

2 Koreas Exchange Warning Shots Along Disputed Sea Boundary

By Hyung-Jin Kim
The sea boundary off the Korean Peninsula’s west coast is a source of long-running animosities, including past bloodshed.
ROK Navy Launches New Warship Capable of Hitting Targets Inside North Korea

ROK Navy Launches New Warship Capable of Hitting Targets Inside North Korea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The new ship will be commissioned by the end of 2018.

South Korea Reveals New Attack Submarine

South Korea Reveals New Attack Submarine

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Seoul unveils its sixth Type 214 submarine

Aegis, Missile Defense and the US Pivot

Aegis, Missile Defense and the US Pivot

By Robert Holzer & Scott Truver
The U.S. Navy’s Aegis Weapon System is the lynchpin for regional missile defense in Asia.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

South Korea Launches Fifth 1,800-Ton Submarine

South Korea Launches Fifth 1,800-Ton Submarine

By Zachary Keck
South Korea launched Yun Bong-gil, the fifth of its Type 214 submarines, on Thursday.

South Korea Hones Its Amphibious Assault Capabilities

South Korea Hones Its Amphibious Assault Capabilities

South Korea launched a major amphibious assault military drill on Wednesday.

South Korea Navy Wants 3 More Aegis Destroyers

South Korea Navy Wants 3 More Aegis Destroyers

The ROK Navy hopes to build three more Aegis destroyers to complement the three it already operates.

South Korea Goes "All In" on Submarines

South Korea Goes "All In" on Submarines

Seoul launched its fourth 1,800 ton Type 214 submarine this week— and it’s just getting started.

The Top 5 Navies of the Indo-Pacific

The Top 5 Navies of the Indo-Pacific

Naval power in the Indo-Pacific is certainly on the rise. Who will take the top spot?

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