
South Korea nuclear weapons

South Korea’s Nuclear Latency: A Critical and Analytical Evaluation

South Korea’s Nuclear Latency: A Critical and Analytical Evaluation

By Jihoon Yu
By maintaining the capability to develop nuclear weapons rapidly – without actually doing so – South Korea ensures a form of strategic ambiguity that can serve as a deterrent in itself.

South Korea in the Maelstrom: East Asia’s Geopolitical Upheaval Brings Danger

South Korea in the Maelstrom: East Asia’s Geopolitical Upheaval Brings Danger

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“With Kim now emboldened, the prospect of unconventional acts like terrorist attacks on South Korean infrastructure and civilians is a real possibility,” says Dr. Cho Sung-min.
The Great Debate Over South Korea Developing Nuclear Weapons Is Back

The Great Debate Over South Korea Developing Nuclear Weapons Is Back

By Mitch Shin
Despite a destabilized Korean Peninsula due to North Korean missile developments, acquiring nuclear weapons would be a dead end for Seoul.

Will the New Nuclear Consultative Group Alleviate South Korea’s Deterrence Concerns? 

Will the New Nuclear Consultative Group Alleviate South Korea’s Deterrence Concerns? 

By Anna Dawes and Manseok Lee
The establishment of the NCG represents a timely and measured response to changing domestic situations in South Korea as well as the growing nuclear threat from North Korea.

Yoon and Biden Announce ‘Washington Declaration’ to Lock in Nuclear Deterrent

Yoon and Biden Announce ‘Washington Declaration’ to Lock in Nuclear Deterrent

By Mitch Shin
In Yoon’s visit to Washington this week, South Korea and the United States reaffirmed their joint efforts to respond to North Korean nuclear threats.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

South Korea’s First Attempt at Going Nuclear

South Korea’s First Attempt at Going Nuclear

By Gabriela Bernal
Seoul attempted to attain nuclear weapons back in the 1970s, only to be stopped by heavy pressure from Washington.

Robert Einhorn on South Korea’s Nuclear Weapon Development

Robert Einhorn on South Korea’s Nuclear Weapon Development

By Mitch Shin
“If North Korea's nuclear threat continues to grow, the answer is not for the United States to support a South Korean nuclear weapons program.”
Is South Korea Considering Nuclear Weapons? 

Is South Korea Considering Nuclear Weapons? 

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Whether South Korea builds a nuclear bomb on its own or not, nuclear weapons are gaining greater importance in the national security thinking of many states in the Indo-Pacific. 

4 Decades of Reckoning With North Korea’s Nuclear Threat – and Counting

4 Decades of Reckoning With North Korea’s Nuclear Threat – and Counting

By Peter Hayes
Going nuclear will not help South Korea deal with the threat posed by its northern neighbor.

The Case for South Korea to Go Nuclear

The Case for South Korea to Go Nuclear

By Seong-Chang Cheong
It may be the best option for the South Korea-U.S. alliance to deter a nuclear war with North Korea.

South Korea Warns North Korea Over Nuclear Posture

South Korea Warns North Korea Over Nuclear Posture

By Mitch Shin
Following Pyongyang’s specification of its conditions for nuclear use, Seoul said the North will self-destruct if it uses nuclear weapons.  
Nearly Three-Quarters of South Koreans Support Nuclear Weapons Development

Nearly Three-Quarters of South Koreans Support Nuclear Weapons Development

By Mitch Shin
According to a new poll, South Koreans support developing nuclear weapons to protect their country from the North’s growing nuclear and missile capabilities. 

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