
South Korea Southeast Asia

South Korea Can Play a More Active Role in the South China Sea

South Korea Can Play a More Active Role in the South China Sea

By Jihoon Yu
As tensions escalate in contested regional waters, Seoul will have to face difficult questions about its maritime role in the Indo-Pacific.
What’s Next for ASEAN-South Korea Security Ties?

What’s Next for ASEAN-South Korea Security Ties?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at some of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for Seoul’s security vision for the region.

South Korea-ASEAN Summitry Will Spotlight Moon’s New Southern Policy

South Korea-ASEAN Summitry Will Spotlight Moon’s New Southern Policy

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A series of commemorative events highlight the prominent place that the Moon administration has been giving to Southeast Asia within its foreign policy.

The Mekong Dimension of South Korea’s New Southern Policy with ASEAN

The Mekong Dimension of South Korea’s New Southern Policy with ASEAN

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Moon administration is upping its focus on Mekong countries as part of its wider approach to Southeast Asia.

Vessel Transfer Puts South Korea-Philippines Defense Relations Into Focus

Vessel Transfer Puts South Korea-Philippines Defense Relations Into Focus

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The ship’s pending arrival put the focus on the ongoing activity in Manila and Seoul's defense relationship.
Defense Dialogue Puts Vietnam-South Korea Military Ties into Focus

Defense Dialogue Puts Vietnam-South Korea Military Ties into Focus

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The latest iteration of the mechanism offered insight into the current state and future prospects for security collaboration.

South Korea-Philippines Defense Ties in the Headlines with Expected Vessel Arrival

South Korea-Philippines Defense Ties in the Headlines with Expected Vessel Arrival

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The focus on the ship’s pending arrival put the focus on the ongoing activity in the security aspect of relations between the two countries.
What’s Next for the Indonesia-South Korea Fighter Jet Program?

What’s Next for the Indonesia-South Korea Fighter Jet Program?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
New reports have again raised questions about the future prospects of the deal.

New Vessel Puts South Korea-Thailand Defense Ties Into Focus

New Vessel Puts South Korea-Thailand Defense Ties Into Focus

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The frigate delivery spotlights wider ongoing military collaboration between the two sides.

South Korea-Vietnam Military Ties in Focus with Defense Dialogue

South Korea-Vietnam Military Ties in Focus with Defense Dialogue

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The latest iteration of the engagement highlighted the ongoing activity in this aspect of relations.

ASEAN-South Korea Security Ties in the Spotlight at 2018 Seoul Defense Dialogue

ASEAN-South Korea Security Ties in the Spotlight at 2018 Seoul Defense Dialogue

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The forum shed light on Seoul’s continuing efforts to strengthen relations with Southeast Asian states in the defense domain.
A New Boost for South Korea’s New Southern Policy?

A New Boost for South Korea’s New Southern Policy?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at a new development within the Moon government’s initiative.

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