South Korean politics

Lee Myung-bak: Between Justice and Political Retribution in South Korea
By Hyunmin Michael Kang
Another former president has been arrested in South Korea.

South Korea in the Storm: Managing the US Alliance and North Korea
By Ankit Panda
Steven Denney returns to discuss the Moon Jae-in administration's acclimation to the North Korea threat.

Can a North Korea Nightmare Fuel South Korea’s ASEAN Dream?
By Luke Hunt
Seoul is intensifying its outreach towards Southeast Asia.

A Liberal Triumphs in South Korea: Who Is Moon Jae-in?
By Ankit Panda
Is Moon Jae-in anti-American? Are South Koreans divided over politics by age? Steven Denney offers insight into these questions.

South Korea’s 19th Presidential Election: Lessons Learned
By Steven Denney
Four lessons to be learned from the results that brought Moon Jae-in to the presidency.

No, South Korea's New President Is Not 'Anti-American'
By Ankit Panda
South Korea's new president may seek more independence within the alliance, but he's not anti-American.

$1 Billion For THAAD? Trump Chips Away at the US-South Korea Alliance
By Ankit Panda
Slowly but surely, Trump chips away at the foundations for reassurance in the U.S.-South Korea alliance.

Will Park Geun-hye Be Pardoned?
By Justin Fendos
If a pardon is made, the peaceful protests could change tone.

South Korean Constitutional Court Unanimously Upholds Park Geun-hye Impeachment
By Ankit Panda
The court's 8-0 decision also starts the 60-day countdown for new presidential elections.

South Korea’s Dangerous Leadership Vacuum
By Benjamin Lee
South Korea’s ongoing political crisis is making it difficult to respond effectively to North Korean provocations.

China Brings More Economic Retaliation for THAAD Against South Korea
By Ankit Panda
South Korean conglomerate Lotte sees its affiliates come under pressure in China. Is this all because of THAAD?

Embattled South Korean President Park Geun-hye Announces Intent to Resign, Conditional on Lawmakers
By Ankit Panda
South Korea's "Choi-gate" political scandal finally forces Park Geun-hye to plan for an exit from power.