Soviet Union breakup

Asia After the Soviet Union
Five experts explore the legacy of the USSR and the impact of its collapse on China, India, Japan, the Koreas, and Vietnam.

The Soviet Union’s Collapse and Russia’s Colonial Legacy
By Catherine Putz
The USSR’s collapse; don’t say ‘colony’; hope for an Uzbek glasnost; and more. Recommended reads.

Commonwealth of Independent States Gather for Jubilee Summit
By Catherine Putz
Sometimes the jubilee you planned for isn’t the jubilee you get.

Uzbekistan Gears Up to Celebrate Independence... by Shutting the Kyrgyz Border
By Catherine Putz
Nothing says happy birthday like shutting out the neighbors.

Pointing to Perestroika: Explaining Social Unrest in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
The glasnost–democratization–nationalism argument for unrest in newly-independent Tajikistan leaves out economic factors.

Can China Fix Central Asia's Soviet Rail Legacy?
By Catherine Putz
Soviet infrastructure linked the region only to Moscow, will Chinese infrastructure start connecting it to the world?
Project Sapphire: 20 Years Later, and Still Relevant
By Dena Sholk
What can be learned from a successful effort to retrieve enriched uranium from Kazakhstan?
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