Strategic deterrence

More Than Just Nuclear: Risk Reduction in the China-US Relationship
By Fiona S. Cunningham
There is a strong case for discussing this new “nuclear plus” feature of both countries’ approach to strategic deterrence.

Putin's Exotic New Missiles Didn't Come From Nowhere. What Can the US Do in Response?
By Lawrence J. Korb
The last thing the world needs is another arms race. The U.S. would do well to avoid taking Putin's bait.

China and the United States Worry About Each Other Missile Defense Intentions. So Why Not Talk?
By Ankit Panda
China worries U.S. missile defenses will take out its strategic deterrent. The U.S. worries about antisatellite capabilities.

US Sends Nuclear-Capable Bomber to Pacific Ahead of Trump Visit
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. sent a long-range stealth bomber on a long-range training mission to the Pacific last weekend.

Does Pakistan Have More Nuclear Warheads Than India?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Yes, according to a new analysis by a Stockholm-based think tank.

Will Pakistan Soon Have the World’s Third-Largest Nuclear Arsenal?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Just how many nuclear weapons does Pakistan have?

Time for Pakistan to Change its Nuclear Strategy: Experts
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A new report urges Islamabad to shift its approach to be accepted as a normal nuclear state.
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