T-90MS main battle tank

India Approves Procurement of 464 T-90MS Main Battle Tanks
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The approval by India’s Committee on Security, however, is coming with a catch.

Russia’s Future Armor Force Could Be in Trouble
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Recent announcements by the Russian Ministry of Defense indicate that Russia’s most ambitious armor program is in trouble.

Cold Start: India to Deploy Massive Tank Army Along Border With Pakistan
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian Army plans to deploy almost 500 main battle tanks along the India-Pakistan border.

Confirmed: Thailand’s Military Wants a New Main Battle Tank
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Royal Thai Army is setting up a procurement committee to evaluate Chinese and Russian armor.

Will Thailand Buy Russian T-90 Tanks?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Delays in the delivery of Ukrainian-made Oplot tanks made the Thai military look for alternatives.
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