Taiwan disinformation

Climate Disinformation Is Compromising Taiwan’s Efforts in Defending Democracy
By Elena Yi-Ching Ho
While disinformation – largely from the CCP – is widely recognized as a challenge for Taiwan, the exploitation of climate change skepticism adds a new facet to the issue.

How Would China Weaponize Disinformation Against Taiwan in a Cross-Strait Conflict?
By Scott W. Harold
What might China’s future disinformation operations against Taiwan focus on and how can Taipei and its partners combat them?

Rip off the Blindfold: Let Taiwanese Civil Society Learn From Ukraine
By Wu Min-Hsuan
Taiwan’s new government must encourage civil society groups to visit Ukraine and learn from the country's recent experience.

As Taiwan’s Election Nears, China’s Espionage, Interference Attempts Come Under Scrutiny
By Brian Hioe
There has been an increased number of reports on espionage plots and disinformation campaigns, and Taiwan's government is eager to show it is taking action.

US Bioweapons Story Reignites Concerns About Disinformation in Taiwan
By Brian Hioe
A UDN story alleged that the U.S. government had requested that Taiwan engage in bioweapon development.

Taiwan Intelligence Chief Pictures Reignite Debate Over Chinese Disinformation Ops
By Brian Hioe
A scandal involving the director-general of Taiwan’s National Security Bureau has raised concerns about Chinese disinformation, particularly as amplified by domestic media outlets.

China’s Changing Disinformation and Propaganda Targeting Taiwan
By Kenddrick Chan and Mariah Thornton
Since early August, evidence has emerged of a new type of CCP influence operation that sharply diverges away from traditional messaging and tactics.

Ukraine Disinformation Fight Sounds Warning Bells for Taiwan
By James Baron
Short of a drastic overhaul, Tsai Ing-wen’s administration must gain a firmer understanding of vulnerabilities in the domestic information environment.

China’s Latest Disinformation Campaign Against Taiwan Backfires Amid the Russia-Ukraine War
By Lin Pu, Ping-yu Lin, Andrew Devine, and Po-hung Chen
The usual Chinese propaganda about effective protection of overseas citizens has led to an unexpected public backlash in the wake of a sluggish evacuation mission in Ukraine.

Taiwan Watches Ukraine With an Eye Toward Security at Home
By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan’s government is on alert for ripple effects from the Russian invasion in the form of “cognitive warfare” and economic difficulties.

EU Disinformation Committee Heads to Taiwan
By Staś Butler
The official visit by INGE is the latest in a series of high-level interactions between Brussels and Taipei.

Chinese Disinformation Operations: What Central and Eastern Europe Can Learn From Taiwan
By Alicja Bachulska and Lin Pu
The Taiwanese government and civil society’s tough, yet successful, battle against Chinese propaganda can be a lesson for democracies in the CEE region.
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