Taiwan Hong Kong response

As Taiwan Remembers Tiananmen, Hong Kong Looms Large
By Brian Hioe
The annual June 4 rally is now strongly connected to remembrance of Hong Kong's 2019 protest movement -- and the resulting political repression.

Apple Daily Stays Alive in Taiwan After Closure in Hong Kong
By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan also recalled its diplomats from Hong Kong last weekend after city officials forced them to support Beijing’s “one China” claim.

Hong Kong National Security Law: The View From Taiwan
By T.Y. Wang
China’s new national security legislation for Hong Kong will only harden Taiwan citizens’ determination to resist Beijing’s unification offer.

Taiwan Opens Office to Help People Fleeing Hong Kong in Wake of National Security Law
By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan on Wednesday launched a new office to process applications by Hong Kong nationals seeking to work, study, or seek asylum in the country.

What Can Taiwan Do to Help Defend Hong Kong?
By Wu Jieh-min
The international response to China's latest power grab is uncertain. What can Taiwan do to help a Hong Kong under siege?

Taiwan Says It Will Draft Plan to Help Hong Kongers as National Security Law Looms
By Nick Aspinwall
Beijing's plan to impose a national security law on Hong Kong has reopened a debate over how Taiwan should help Hong Kongers intending to seek asylum or residency.

Taiwan Slams China’s Decision to Freeze Individual Travel to Taiwan
By Nick Aspinwall
Beijing’s terse announcement comes ahead of the Taiwanese presidential election and amid Taipei's support for Hong Kong protesters.

Why the Hong Kong Protests Don’t Guarantee a Tsai Victory in Taiwan
By Lev Nachman and Brian Hioe
The challenges facing Tsai remain the same, with or without the Hong Kong protests.
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