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China Sanctions Lockheed Martin, Raytheon for Taiwan Sales

China Sanctions Lockheed Martin, Raytheon for Taiwan Sales

By Joe McDonald
The United States bars most sales of weapons-related technology to China anyway, so it’s unclear what effect the sanctions will have.
German, Lithuanian Lawmakers Show Support With Taiwan Visit

German, Lithuanian Lawmakers Show Support With Taiwan Visit

By Huizhong Wu
The Lithuanian delegation in particular drew parallels between the threat they face from Russia and the threat Taiwan faces from China.

Taiwan’s Tsai Visits Base as China Protests US Ship Passage

Taiwan’s Tsai Visits Base as China Protests US Ship Passage

By Taijing Wu
Tsai's visit to the base in the central county of Chiayi comes as Taiwan is seeking to boost its defenses against the rising threat from China.

Taiwan Extends Compulsory Military Service to 1 Year

Taiwan Extends Compulsory Military Service to 1 Year

By Huizhong Wu
Taiwan's current 4-month military conscription requirement, put in place in 2017, was widely panned by the public as being too short.

Taiwan Grapples with Human Trafficking Spike

Taiwan Grapples with Human Trafficking Spike

By Brian Hioe
Increasing revelations in August about Taiwanese trafficked into Cambodia has become a significant political issue in Taiwan.
A Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis or an Inflection Point for the Status Quo?

A Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis or an Inflection Point for the Status Quo?

By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
What do the events of early August 2022 in the Taiwan Strait portend for the future of the Asia-Pacific?

Another and Better Way of Promoting Democracy

Another and Better Way of Promoting Democracy

By Rizal Ramli
Preaching and pressuring has failed to move the needle. An era of resurgent authoritarianism calls for a new approach.
China-US Tensions a Moment of Reckoning for the Indo-Pacific Order

China-US Tensions a Moment of Reckoning for the Indo-Pacific Order

By Monish Tourangbam and Radhey Tambi
What do hard times in China-US relations portend for other stakeholders in a “free, open, inclusive and rules based” Indo-Pacific, such as India? 

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Lessons for Taiwan

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Lessons for Taiwan

By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has limited relevance for understanding the risks of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Time to End Ambiguity: Ukrainian Lessons for Taiwan and the U.S.

Time to End Ambiguity: Ukrainian Lessons for Taiwan and the U.S.

By Mark S. Cogan and Paul D. Scott
If the West will not defend Ukraine, a country of 40 million people and the breadbasket of Europe, will it defend Taiwan?

Taiwan, Somaliland Ties Growing Despite Diplomatic Isolation

Taiwan, Somaliland Ties Growing Despite Diplomatic Isolation

By Associated Press
Somaliland broke away from Somalia in 1991 and has no formal diplomatic relations with any nation; Taiwan’s allies have dwindled over the years.
How China’s Economic Coercion Is Bringing Lithuania and Australia Together

How China’s Economic Coercion Is Bringing Lithuania and Australia Together

By Grant Wyeth
The bonds between Australia and Lithuania are strengthening as a result of China’s attempts to isolate the European country.

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