Tajikistan governance

The Tyranny of Fear in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
“Every arrest, case of torture, extrajudicial killing and kidnapping sends a signal to journalists, activists, community leaders and lawyers about the cost of challenging the regime.”

Nuance Needed: Religious Laws and Enforcement in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
“Do people know what the laws are? If not, do the laws matter?”

Tajik President Says ‘Certain States’ Have ‘Evil Plans’ for Tajikistan
By Casey Michel
By externalizing Dushanbe’s problems, Rahmon is avoiding domestic responsibility.

Marriage in Kyrgyzstan and What Not to Wear in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
Plus, Putin's ploys in Central Asia and other recommended reads.

Fears of Terrorism Prompt New Communications Laws in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
Parliament endorsed amendments that would require cell operators to register all SIM cards sold.

Washington Cannot Remain Silent as Tajikistan Becomes a One-Party State
By Edward Lemon
Dushanbe has succeeded in crushing its opposition and the international community has failed to speak up.

Tajikistan Sinks Further Into Autocracy
By Casey Michel
As Dushanbe consolidates a de facto one-party state, the West remains largely silent.

Tajikistan Pins Recent Violence on Islamic Party
By Catherine Putz
If Dushanbe is to be believed, all of its opponents and critics colluded to topple the state.

Tajikistan's Recent Violence: What We Know (and Don't Know)
By Catherine Putz
As time goes on, it will becoming increasingly difficult to figure out precisely what happened in Vahdat and Dushanbe.

Jailed Tajik Opposition Politician Given Additional Time
By Catherine Putz
A court in Tajikistan added three years to Zaid Saidov's existing 26-year sentence.

Tajikistan Uses Laws to Crush Islamist Opposition
By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe is dismantling the Islamic Renaissance Party, hewing to the letter, but not the spirit, of the law.
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