Tajikistan religious freedom

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan Again Designated as Religious Freedom Violators, Granted Waivers
By Catherine Putz
Yet again, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan – alongside Saudi Arabia and Pakistan – have been granted waivers from sanctions related to their religious freedom violations.

Will Jehovah’s Witness Shamil Khakimov Be Released From Prison in Tajikistan?
By Catherine Putz
Jailed in 2019 on charges of “inciting religious hatred,” Shamil Khakimov’s jail term ends on May 16. But he may not be released.

USCIRF Again Highlights Violations of Religious Freedoms in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
In its latest annual report, USCIRF recommends designating Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as "countries of particular concern" and asks for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to be included on the special watch list for religious freedom violators.

Will Tajikistan Meaningfully Engage on Religious Freedom?
By Nury Turkel and Eric Ueland
The visit of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief provides a unique opportunity for increased engagement and the potential for positive reform.

To Prevent Violent Extremism in Tajikistan, Promote Religious Freedom
By Tony Perkins and Nury Turkel
Washington should promote and directly incorporate religious freedom training as a requirement for Tajikistan to receive aid.
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