
Taliban government

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Islamic State Khorasan’s Expanded Vision in South and Central Asia

Islamic State Khorasan’s Expanded Vision in South and Central Asia

By Lucas Webber and Riccardo Valle
The expansion of ISKP propaganda outreach, recruitment, and fundraising efforts may have significant security implications for countries in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region and possibly beyond. 
August in Kabul: America’s Last Days in Afghanistan 

August in Kabul: America’s Last Days in Afghanistan 

By Catherine Putz
As Kabul fell in 2021, journalist Andrew Quilty returned to the city to chronicle history.

Kabul Mosque Bombed, At Least 21 Dead

Kabul Mosque Bombed, At Least 21 Dead

By Rahim Faiez and Ebrahim Noroozi
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack at the Siddiquiya mosque in the city's Kher Khanna neighborhood.

The Taliban’s Islamic Emirate: An Exclusive Mullah Government 

The Taliban’s Islamic Emirate: An Exclusive Mullah Government 

By Weeda Mehran
The Taliban have done tremendous damage to Afghanistan’s state institutions.

Under Taliban Rule, Afghanistan Will Never Have an Inclusive Government

Under Taliban Rule, Afghanistan Will Never Have an Inclusive Government

By Fawad Poya
In practice, the political order the Taliban prefer is incapable of accommodating crucial features like universal human rights, an inclusive and representative political system, and compliance with international law. 
Higher Education in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan: Threatened But Not Gone

Higher Education in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan: Threatened But Not Gone

By Abdul Aziz Mohibbi and Noah Coburn
Both male and female students trying to continue their university educations are struggling.

What Are the Implications of Uzbekistan’s Rapprochement With the Taliban?

What Are the Implications of Uzbekistan’s Rapprochement With the Taliban?

By Akram Umarov and Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili
Tashkent has sought to serve as a broker between the Taliban and the world to keep Afghanistan on the global agenda.
Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan Takes New Steps Toward Regional Integration

Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan Takes New Steps Toward Regional Integration

By Samaya Anjum
The recent Tashkent Conference on Afghanistan marked a crucial step in bringing the Taliban regime back into dialogue with its neighbors – even without formal recognition.

US Strikes Down al-Qaida Leader in Heart of Kabul 

US Strikes Down al-Qaida Leader in Heart of Kabul 

By Catherine Putz
It’s difficult to believe that the Taliban were unaware of al-Zawahiri living in a safe house in the middle of Kabul.

Understanding the Taliban’s War on Women 

Understanding the Taliban’s War on Women 

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
The Taliban’s regressive ideology lies at the heart of its political program. It was naive to believe the group would ever give it up.

Does Delhi Have a New Playbook for Taliban-ruled Afghanistan?

Does Delhi Have a New Playbook for Taliban-ruled Afghanistan?

By Monish Tourangbam and Rushita Shetty
India and the Taliban do not have a history of positive relations, but a pragmatic working relationship is desired by both. 
UN Slams Killings, Rights Abuses Under Afghanistan’s Taliban

UN Slams Killings, Rights Abuses Under Afghanistan’s Taliban

By Rahim Faiez
Afghanistan has seen persistent bombings and other attacks on civilians since the Taliban came to power.

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