
Taliban-Pakistan relations

Taliban Push Back Against Pakistani Accusations of Involvement in Recent Attacks

Taliban Push Back Against Pakistani Accusations of Involvement in Recent Attacks

By Catherine Putz
A spokesperson for Afghanistan's Ministry of Defense said, “Blaming Afghanistan for such incidents is a failed attempt to divert attention from the truth of the matter and we strongly reject it.”
Should India Allow the Taliban Regime to Station Its Envoy in Delhi?

Should India Allow the Taliban Regime to Station Its Envoy in Delhi?

By Sudha Ramachandran
Allowing the Taliban to send an ambassador would amount to according to a terrorist organization a measure of recognition.

How Realistic Are China’s Plans to Expand CPEC to Afghanistan?

How Realistic Are China’s Plans to Expand CPEC to Afghanistan?

By Mariyam Suleman Anees
The profits may be high, but the risks involved are higher, especially in the context of attacks on Chinese nationals and interests in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

India Makes Its Relationship With the Taliban Regime More Official

India Makes Its Relationship With the Taliban Regime More Official

By Sudha Ramachandran
Indian and Taliban officials are reported to have discussed diplomatic relations during a recent meeting in Kabul.

Afghanistan and Pakistan’s Troubles Won’t End With the Taliban Victory

Afghanistan and Pakistan’s Troubles Won’t End With the Taliban Victory

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The Durand Line continues to bedevil Af-Pak relations. One doesn’t recognize it; the other ignores it when convenient.
Taliban-Pakistan Ties Run Into Trouble

Taliban-Pakistan Ties Run Into Trouble

By Umair Jamal
Taliban’s recent confrontation of Pakistan over its fencing of the disputed Durand Line, which Afghanistan does not recognize, has taken many by surprise.

Afghan Taliban’s Victory Boosts Pakistan’s Radicals

Afghan Taliban’s Victory Boosts Pakistan’s Radicals

By Kathy Gannon
The Tehrik-e-Taliban now believe they too can wage a successful jihad against the ‘infidel’ Pakistani state.
With the Afghan Taliban in Islamabad, Is Pakistan Finally Getting What It Has Always Wanted?

With the Afghan Taliban in Islamabad, Is Pakistan Finally Getting What It Has Always Wanted?

By Umair Jamal
What are the Taliban up to?

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