
Taliban peace talks

The US Exit: Views From Afghanistan’s Civil Society

The US Exit: Views From Afghanistan’s Civil Society

By Ritu Mahendru and Inshah Malik
With Biden’s announced timeline for full U.S. withdrawal, there’s a looming question of failed promises in Afghanistan.

‘My Good Fight’: Being a Woman in Afghanistan’s Politics

‘My Good Fight’: Being a Woman in Afghanistan’s Politics

By Bansari Kamdar
Hosna Jalil on fighting harassment, discrimination, and death threats as one of Afghanistan’s highest-ranking female officials.
Even as Peace Talks Resume, Killing Soars in Afghanistan

Even as Peace Talks Resume, Killing Soars in Afghanistan

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
After a month-long hiatus, the Taliban and Afghan government are talking again. Will it make a difference for Afghans?

What the Fate of Freed Taliban Prisoners Means for the Afghan Peace Process

What the Fate of Freed Taliban Prisoners Means for the Afghan Peace Process

By Franz J. Marty
Whether freed Taliban rejoin the fight – and what might motivate them to finally put down their arms – has ramifications for peace in Afghanistan.

With Final Prisoner Release, Afghanistan Takes a Giant Step Toward Peace

With Final Prisoner Release, Afghanistan Takes a Giant Step Toward Peace

By Ahmad Mohibi
At long last, the Afghan government and the Taliban are ready to start their long-delayed peace talks.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Will Afghanistan’s Long-Delayed Peace Ever Arrive?

Will Afghanistan’s Long-Delayed Peace Ever Arrive?

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
As Kabul and the Taliban continue to stall peace talks, Afghans' hopes are dying.

The Pitfalls in Afghanistan’s Peace Process

The Pitfalls in Afghanistan’s Peace Process

By Daud Khattak
A US-Taliban peace agreement seems closer than ever, but the whole thing could unravel when it comes time for intra-Afghan talks.
The Missing Links in the Afghan Peace Process

The Missing Links in the Afghan Peace Process

By Mushtaq Rahim
The U.S., Afghan government, and Taliban will all need to readjust their positions if there is to be any hope of peace.

With the Afghan Taliban in Islamabad, Is Pakistan Finally Getting What It Has Always Wanted?

With the Afghan Taliban in Islamabad, Is Pakistan Finally Getting What It Has Always Wanted?

By Umair Jamal
What are the Taliban up to?

Balochistan’s Role in the Afghanistan Quagmire

Balochistan’s Role in the Afghanistan Quagmire

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
How the Pakistani province became embroiled in the Afghan conflict.

Afghanistan's Terror Threat Is Much Bigger Than the Taliban

Afghanistan's Terror Threat Is Much Bigger Than the Taliban

By Saurav Sarkar
Even if peace is reached with the Taliban, terrorism will remain a serious problem in Afghanistan.
Why Are the Taliban Reluctant to Declare a Ceasefire?

Why Are the Taliban Reluctant to Declare a Ceasefire?

By Daud Khattak
It's not only a negotiating tactic. There's real fear on the Taliban's end about what happens after the guns go silent.

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