
Murky Militias in Forgotten Provinces Reveal Why Afghanistan War Isn’t Over
By Ben Acheson
Ghor can be viewed as a microcosm of the layered complexity of Afghanistan.

2021 in Asian Geopolitics: A Retrospective
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
What were the major developments and events that drove geopolitical trends in Asia in 2021?

Examining the Taliban’s Words, Thoughts and Deeds, Part II: Hostage Diplomacy
By Mohammad Bashir Mobasher and Mohammad Qadam Shah
The Taliban are well-practiced at taking and using hostages. Now it’s a nation held hostage.

Examining the Taliban’s Words, Thoughts, and Deeds, Part I: The Myth of Taliban 2.0
By Mohammad Bashir Mobasher and Mohammad Qadam Shah
Since taking power in August 2021, the Taliban have been on a PR blitz to re-brand for international audiences.

Action Needed Now to Address the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Afghanistan
By Youssof Ghafoorzai
With winter approaching, the human tragedy that has befallen the people of Afghanistan will only worsen. Urgent action is needed.

Should the Taliban Be Given Afghanistan’s UN Seat?
By Mohammad Qadam Shah and Mohammad Bashir Mobasher
The question of recognizing the Taliban is a test of the integrity of international law.

Aid Cargo Destined for Afghanistan Stuck at Border
By Catherine Putz
Recent reports suggest that 100 metric tonnes of humanitarian aid delivered to a transit hub in Uzbekistan by UNHCR has not been able to cross the border into Afghanistan yet.

After the Fall of Kabul, the US Needs to Reject China’s Narrative on Terrorism
By Omer Kanat
Hyping an unsubstantiated “extremism” threat is a key, and classic, tactic in the Chinese government’s propaganda war.

Sports Amid Chaos in Afghanistan
By Sajad Jatoi
During its first period of rule the Taliban banned sports, even cricket. Will they view sports differently this time around?

Ahmad Shah Massoud: An Afghan Napoleon
By Catherine Putz
Renowned British journalist Sandy Gall’s biography of Massoud comes at a critical time for Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s False Amnesty
By Mehdi J. Hakimi
When they first captured Kabul back in 1996, the Taliban promised amnesty. It wasn’t a genuine offer then, and it isn’t now either.

How Will the Taliban Affect Violent Extremism in Mindanao?
By Kenneth Yeo
Violent extremists in the southern Philippines have generally remained aloof from global jihadist currents, but Manila should not be complacent.