
Tehrik -i-Taliban Pakistan

Politics of Claiming Responsibility for Terrorist Attacks in Af-Pak Region

Politics of Claiming Responsibility for Terrorist Attacks in Af-Pak Region

By Abdul Basit
In some attacks, a terror group claims credit and then denies involvement. In others, more than one group claims credit.
Talks With TTP Take Back Seat as Pakistan’s Prime Minister Turns Attention to Political Turmoil

Talks With TTP Take Back Seat as Pakistan’s Prime Minister Turns Attention to Political Turmoil

By Niha Dagia
With an uptick in violence, it would be hard for Imran Khan to sway public opinion towards a peace deal with the terror group.

Don’t Assume a Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan Means Smooth Sailing for Pakistan

Don’t Assume a Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan Means Smooth Sailing for Pakistan

By Maryam Raashed
Already, there are worrying signs that the Taliban are inclined to ignore Islamabad's most pressing concerns.

Pakistan Has Contributed Significantly to the Fight Against Terrorism

Pakistan Has Contributed Significantly to the Fight Against Terrorism

By Adeel Mukhtar Mirza
Its time the international community, especially the United States, acknowledge that.

Karachi’s Deadly Unrest

Karachi’s Deadly Unrest

By Kiyya Baloch
A deadly bus attack underscores the tensions roiling Pakistan’s largest city.
The Evolving Jihad in South Asia

The Evolving Jihad in South Asia

By Arif Rafiq
Jihadists in the region are adapting to a changing landscape.

Fixing America’s Aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan

Fixing America’s Aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan

By Jordan Olmstead
The US needs a more strategic approach in providing assistance to the two troubled countries.
Pakistan, Terrorism, and the Peshawar Attack

Pakistan, Terrorism, and the Peshawar Attack

By Shannon Tiezzi
Dr. Christine Fair talks with The Diplomat about the Peshawar attack and Islamabad’s response.

The State of Terrorism in Pakistan

The State of Terrorism in Pakistan

By Daniele Grassi
Operation Zarb-e-Azb accelerated TTP fracturing, but must face radicalization from forces like the Islamic State.

Russia’s Strategic Pakistan Play

Russia’s Strategic Pakistan Play

By Saurav Jha
It decision to end its embargo on weapons sales to Pakistan could have multiple benefits for Moscow.

Will the Islamic State Spread Its Tentacles to Pakistan?

Will the Islamic State Spread Its Tentacles to Pakistan?

By Arif Rafiq
Despite talk of Pakistan militants swearing allegiance, so far at least the threat seems overstated.
Pakistan Launches Decisive Battle Against Terrorism

Pakistan Launches Decisive Battle Against Terrorism

By Deedar Hussain Samejo
The government and the military must institute a comprehensive policy to eliminate terrorism root and branch.

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