
Kazakhstan Tries New Oil Export Routes
By Paolo Sorbello
This year’s disruptions have made the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) a risky option.

COVID-19 Cases at Kazakhstan’s Tengiz Oil Field Top 1,000
By Catherine Putz
Two-thirds of the field’s workforce were sent home late last month, but it continues to grow as a virus hotspot.

Jobs at Stake in Kazakhstan’s Energy Sector
By Paolo Sorbello
A drop in Brent oil prices and the emergence of cases of COVID-19 at the Tengiz field are poised to slash investment and hammer employment.

Mass Brawl at Kazakh Oil Field Unveils Labor Dissatisfaction
By Paolo Sorbello
Sparked by a selfie, the brawl highlighted malaise over unequal working conditions between local and foreign workers in Kazakhstan.

Brawl at Kazakhstan Oil Field Leaves 30 Arabs Wounded
By Associated Press
The fight apparently erupted over a photo of a Lebanese contractor and a female Kazakh colleague.

Chevron and Kazakhstan Hail $36.8 Billion Tengiz Expansion
By Catherine Putz
The investment looks to capitalize on lower costs and bet on future demand.

Kazakhstan, Chevron and the Oil Workers’ Plight
By Kirill Kovalenko
A lack of culpability between company and state fuels workers’ rights suppression.
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