Terrorism in Pakistan

What Is Behind the Political ‘Mainstreaming’ of Jamaat-ud-Dawa in Pakistan?
By Umair Jamal
Offering political platforms to groups with jihadist agendas will only complicate Pakistan’s militant problem.

Can Pakistani Technology Fight Pakistani Terror?
By Robert Bole
How can Pakistan leverage technology in counter-terror efforts?

Can the United States Afford to Isolate Pakistan?
By Umair Jamal
Policymakers in Washington need to follow an approach that engages Pakistan rather than isolates it.

The Mapping of ‘Sectarian Debate’ in Pakistan
By Umair Jamal
Mere discussion on sectarian issues in Pakistan is considered far more dangerous than the act of violence itself.

How Pakistan’s Passive Extremists Complicate the Country's Fight Against Terror
By Umair Jamal
After a spate of attacks, efforts by the Pakistani government to rein in terror groups are largely window-dressing.

Raheel Sharif's Legacy in Pakistan
By Hamzah Rifaat Hussain
General Raheel Sharif leaves behind a legacy that his successor should emulate.

The 3 Big Challenges Facing Pakistan Next Army Chief
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan’s next military chief faces a wide range of challenges on both the domestic and external fronts.

What a Trump Presidency Means for Pakistan
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Trump's election could trigger a geopolitical restructuring of the Af-Pak region.

Quetta Police College Attack Highlights Pakistan's Internal Divisions
By Umair Jamal
The messy politicking in Pakistan appears to be dominating the country’s counterterrorism strategies.

How Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Uses Politics to Support Its Campaign of Anti-Shia Terror in Pakistan
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan’s national action plan against terrorism has proved a non-action plan as far as the crackdown on sectarian groups is concerned.

The Quetta Attack Exposes Pakistan’s Misplaced Counterterrorism Priorities
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan cannot afford complacency in its counterterrorism efforts.

Understanding Karachi’s Complex Militant Landscape
By Umair Jamal
Instability will continue to haunt Karachi unless the city’s militant landscape is understood in its entirety.