Thailand Buddhism

Why Thailand’s Political Paralysis Is Set to Continue
By Christian Kurzydlowski
Whatever the result, this week's election is unlikely to resolve the contradiction that has produced a state of rolling crisis in the country's politics.

Is Thailand’s Buddhist Sangha Undergoing a Political Sea Change?
By Christian Kurzydlowski
The Thai Buddhist order has long helped to legitimize and prop up the prevailing monarchical order.

Thailand's Festival of Lights
By Sugato Mukherjee
Celebrating Loi Krathong in Sukhothai in northern Thailand.

Thailand's New Constitution: A Threat to Religious Freedom?
By Mong Palatino
A problematic provision sheds light on a thorny issue.

Thai Monks Living Large: Private Jets and Bling
A number of signs suggest Buddhism is at a crossroads in the kingdom of Thailand.
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