Thailand constitution
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The Dangerous Buddhist Card in Thailand’s New Constitution
By Khemthong Tongsakulrungruang
The ruling junta’s use of religion to boost its legitimacy brings risks for the country.

A US-Thailand Alliance Boost Under Trump and Prayut?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though an upcoming summit meeting offers room for both sides to boost the relationship, there are also lingering challenges.

Thailand's Winding Road to Democracy
By Alexi Demetriadi
Thailand's latest constitution set a roadmap for elections, but analysts fear true democracy may never return.

Thailand's New Constitution: A Threat to Religious Freedom?
By Mong Palatino
A problematic provision sheds light on a thorny issue.

Thailand's New Constitution: A Blow to Rights?
By Mong Palatino
Despite the approval of the Thai charter, its content remains worrying.

Thailand's Constitutional Referendum: A Hobson's Choice
By Shawn W. Crispin
A climate of fear all but ensures the upcoming vote will be far from an expression of popular will.

What Thailand's Rejected Constitution Means
By Shawn W. Crispin
The country moves back to square one.

Thailand Completes Troubling New Constitution
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The first draft of the charter contains some worrying provisions.

Thailand Establishes Interim Constitution
By Ankit Panda
The new constitution grants sweeping powers to the military junta that took over on May 22.
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