Thailand democracy

Trump and the US-Thailand Alliance
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The new chapter some are hoping for may not read the way Bangkok would like it to.

Rekindle the US-Thailand Relationship
By Anthony Woon Cho
America risks losing its oldest friend in the Asia-Pacific to China.

A New Era of Intolerance in Thailand?
By Shawn W. Crispin
Rising nationalism after the king's death could signal worrying days ahead for the country.

What ASEAN Can Learn from Thailand’s Student Massacre
By Mong Palatino
Lessons for the region from the 1976 Thammasat University massacre.

China-Thailand Relations in the Spotlight with Activist Deportation
By Shawn W. Crispin
A recent incident has raised questions about how beholden Bangkok is to Beijing.

Torture Under Thailand's Military Junta
By Mong Palatino
A new report exposes the extent of the practice under the current government.

After Constitution Referendum, What Next for Thailand?
By Eugene Mark and Graham Ong-Webb
Now that the junta's constitution has passed, will it make good on promised elections in 2017?

Thailand: The Limits of Absolute Power
By James Buchanan
General Prayut's power may be unlimited on paper, but in reality he is curtailed on several fronts.

Thailand’s Junta Digs In
By Joshua Kurlantzick
Despite the junta's promises, Thailand looks unlikely to return to a real democracy any time soon.

Thailand’s Absurd ‘Red Bowl’ Sedition Threat
By Mong Palatino
The junta’s fear of threats to its rule -- and suppression of freedoms -- has reached a new high.

A ‘Prayut Effect’ in Southeast Asia?
By Mong Palatino
The junta chief’s way of politics offers a cautionary tale for the region’s new leaders.