The Interview

Is Myanmar Still in Cahoots With North Korea?
By Shawn W. Crispin
The state of cooperation between the two countries continues to be an issue of interest.

Kim Jong-un Gets Called Out in New US Sanctions. Now What?
By Ankit Panda
How will North Korea react to the U.S. slapping sanctions on Kim Jong-un?

North Korea Wants Cambodia to Ban 'The Interview'
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Pyongyang warns that selling or screening the movie risks damaging diplomatic ties.

In South Korea, Freedom of Expression Put to the Test
By Steven Denney
After the Charlie Hebdo attack in France, South Korea has decisions to make regarding free speech and national security.

South Korean Government Won't Stop Balloon-Drop of 'The Interview' in North Korea
By Tae-jun Kang
South Korean authorities won't prevent a human rights group from dropping DVDs of The Interview in North Korea.

Cyber War, Free Speech, and National Security
By Jongsoo Lee
Time for a debate on the tension between free speech and national security in the age of cyber warfare.

Obama To Get Tougher on North Korea?
By Joseph A. Bosco
After an election defeat, the president appears liberated. Does this mean a tougher line on Pyongyang?

North Korea's Internet Outage: Whodunit?
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. government probably wasn't responsible for the North Korean Internet outage.

Sony’s Yuletide Doldrums Could Lead to Comeback
By Shihoko Goto
Heeding some advice from an unlikely source could help the Japanese company salvage its reputation.

The Interview: The Importance of Parody
By Robert Potter
Parody has a vital role in making the abysmal look abnormal.

US Considering Options After Sony Hack
By Ankit Panda
Plus, U.S. PACOM has a new commander, Putin isn't happy, and ISRO's rocket launch. Weekend links.

The Interview and Its Challenge to North Korea’s Leadership
By Scott A. Snyder
Why not exploit North Korean propaganda as part of a Hollywood marketing strategy?
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